Sunday 30 November 2014

Phil Hughes was killed by the Illuminati!

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Phil Hughes recently made the news when a bouncer hit him at the back of his neck, tearing the crucial life-supporting nerves and blood vessels causing his death 2 days after this accident in 27th October, 2014. He was a great Australian Cricketer and the world mourns for his juvenile death at the ripe age of 25, just 3 days before his birthday on 30th Nov.

There is enough evidence that the Illuminati had caused this sudden and rare death on the cricket pitch. For those of you who don't know what it is, its a worldwide secret organisation that is governed by the Satanic Cult and its primary goal is world domination. They are represented by a triangle with the "all seeing eye" in the middle. It is said that famous celebrities and politicians like Beyonce and Obama are part of this organisation. They have to sacrifice famous people who do good to the world once every year. They have thus killed many personalities like Michael Jackson himself, and now it was Phil Hughes's turn.

Image result for illuminati               

Lets get started with the theorizing. Phil's score at the moment he was hit was 63. 63 can be written as "6x3". This can be written in words as "three times six" or 666. This number is considered to be the number of the devil itself and therefore related to the Illuminati. Not only that his death day and age adds up to 63. He died on 27-11-2014. And his age was 25. If you add his death date, month and age we get 63:- 11+27+25= 63.

Furthermore, the Illuminati always sacrifices 3 people at a time to form the three sides of the triangle. Phil was one side; Sharil Salim, a Singaporean Boxer nicknamed the Bull formed the second. The third side was formed by Paul Walker who died one year ago on the same day as Phil's B'day. This completely formed the triangle but there were a few shortcomings. It is believed that the triangle can be demolished if 3 other famous celebrities were born on the same day, and that is indeed what happened. Suresh Raina (Indian Cricketer), Jakati (Indian Cricketer) and Bruce Lee ( We all know who he is) were born on 27th Nov thus dissolving the triangle and stopping the Illuminati from raising its power.

Another glaring fact is that Singapore, India and Australia form a triangle at the world map.

It might be a thin triangle but it is one nonetheless. And it is around the Indian Ocean near Australia. What does this mean? It means that the tri-series match between Indian and Australia got postponed. This is true because it has come in the news hat the next match between Indian and Australia will be be cancelled or postponed because of Phil's unexpected death. Also the suffix "tri" is related to triangles that is related to Illuminati.

These are all the proofs leading to the confirmation of the existence of the Illuminati.
But that's all for now and as always,

1 comment:

  1. Hail Lucifer the greatest. I was like many of you out there some years behind, able to take only a meal per day and some days couldn't afford, I felt like suffering was part of me,then I came across someone famous and rich which he decide to introduce me to the great brotherhood, I never heard a second thought because I already made up my mind and that was a great step for me because I never had doubt. So I got registered and look for money to buy things for the inniciation process which I did, and in about 72 hours I received a deposit of $500,000 which was my start off capital and since then I haven't known poverty again, inbox me if interested to join the brotherhood for the only help I can do to you out there is to link you to the Grand master, beware of scammers, there is no registration fee and the great brotherhood does not pay money into your account monthly,but rather the start off capital is what will help you invest in what ever you want and be prosperous contact me on WhatsApp(+2348118045617)....
