Sonic Theories

Michael Jackson hired for Sonic music?!

If you have ever played Sonic 3 and Knuckles, you would know the strange similarity between the game music and few of Michael Jackson's songs. This led me to do some research and VOILA, the jigsaw puzzle began to come together.

Proceed only after watching the video. It contains important stuff that can only cause the disease known as curiosity if not watched completely.

Spoiler alert: The video was a fake, it was not really MJ singing.
HA! I have successfully wasted 6 mins of your time!
But in a serious note though, both elements- Sonic and MJ are related even though it sounds weird.

This is where I started my research:-
Trust me this is not a fake like the last one. It contains real, hard truth.
The songs do have many similarities with MJ's songs doesn't it?
Not only is there video proof but even Brad Buxer, MJ's musical  director and composer agreed to the following controversy. These were his actual words: I've never played the game so I do not know what tracks on which Michael and I have worked the developers have kept, but we did compose music for the game. Michael called me at the time for help on this project, and that's what I did. And if he is not credited for composing the music, it's because he was not happy with the result sound coming out of the console. At the time, game consoles did not allow an optimal sound reproduction, and Michael found it frustrating. He did not want to be associated with a product that devalued his music...

So we found out that MJ hates 8-bit music, Go Figure!
But the last and final proof is a shocking picture of Sonic's Comic book series by Archie's :-
This issue was the first of a 4-part series. Direct your attention to the title- This is It! 
It is also MJ's last album before he died. The coincidence is quite chilling to say the least. Not only that, the plot of this particular issue is that Spoiler alert- Sonic kills his girlfriend, Sally Acorns by cutting a rope that doomed her to fall quite the height to her impending death. Of course Sonic would never do such a think in his sane mind, it was Eggman who was controlling his brain and made him do the evil act. This is quite similar to MJ's death too. His doctor Conrad Murray gave MJ an overdose of pills that killed him in his sleep. So, Sally is symbolic to MJ and Murray is metaphorical to Sonic. 

And Eggman is symbolic to a secret organization that supposedly controls the world that I will not name at the moment.

All these coincidences further reinforces the fact that MJ was definitely killed by this organization and his bondage with Sega. They had foreseen the pop king's end at 1997 when this edition was released.

But as always, this is just a theory, not a fact. Treat this article as a fictional story that supposedly had a few connections with MJ. 


Why is Sonic Blue in Color?

Many of you may have wondered when you first played Sega's mascot Sonic that why am I controlling a blue hedgehog and why for God's sake am i collecting rings?? Well that's a theory that will be discussed later, but for now lets focus on his unique color.

Sonic's blue tint was due to a lab experiment that went wrong involving hedgehogs! According to the longest comic book series originating from a video game this is quite true as can be seen by the pictures. Sonic was an inhabitant of the planet Mobius along with Dr.Eggplant the antagonist of the series and a few other lively characters. His signature blue color and supersonic speed occurred when Dr.Eggplant or Dr.Ovi Kintobor as he was called in those days experimented with a hedgehog and a pair of sneakers that somehow became one with the hedgehog and gave him that speed. Of course every action has an opposite reaction so his speed had to come with a side effect, so LO AND BEHOLD we've got a blue pincushion.

Jokes aside though I personally think that his blue skin makes him way cooler than his picture above. He almost looks naked without it (even though he never wears clothes - where does he keep his rings I wonder, hmmm wink wink easy to reach butt hole).

The weird part is that someone becoming blue is completely sane and logical. This is where the science part comes. There is a disease people suffer from called Methemoglobinemia where the skin becomes blue due to high levels of methemoglobin ie. metHb or ferric (Fe 3+) instead of ferrous (Fe 2+) in their blood.This ferric ion has an increased affinity towards bound oxygen but its overall ability to bind itself is decreased since Oxygen has a charge of 2- making it easy for it to bind with Fe 2+. So this ultimately leads to an overall reduced ability of the red blood cell to release oxygen to tissues. Thus forming deoxygenated RBCs blue in color (Haemoglobin gives blood its red tint).


So it could have been probable that the experiment rearranged Sonic's circulatory and respiratory system which also proves why he can run so fast without getting cramps. We get cramps when we start respiring without oxygen (anaerobically). This happens when we are going through physical exertion, our cells require energy to work and it gets this energy by burning Glucose.
This is the chemical reaction:- Glucose    breaks down to     Lactic acid + Energy

This lactic acid accumulates in the muscles and causes cramps, after exercise we feel breathless because of the Oxygen Debt created. Our liver requires excess oxygen to get rid of the lactic acid and that's why we pant so much, but Sonic doesn't. This proves my theories so far. Also the fact that Sega's symbol is blue in color therefore its not a surprise that even its mascot is blue.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and if you wish to see more comment down in the comment section. Also tell me what game do you want me to tackle next.


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